Saint-Exupéry's "Prayer", written in one of the most difficult moments of his life, reminds us of the most important thing.
We should all think about the things he asks:
"Lord, I am not asking for miracles or visions, but for strength in each day. Teach me the art of small steps.
Make me attentive and resourceful, so that in the variety of everyday life, I can pause to notice the insights and experiences that move me.
Teach me to properly manage the time of my life. Grant me the subtle sense to distinguish the essential from the non-essential.
I ask for strength and restraint, so that I do not simply float through life, but can plan my days sensibly, see distant goals and horizons, and find time, at least occasionally, to enjoy art.
Help me to understand that dreams are not helpful — not dreams of the past, nor of the future. Help me to be here and now and to see this moment as the most important.
Protect me from the naive belief that everything in life should be smooth. Give me the clear consciousness that difficulties, failures, setbacks, and defeats are just the natural part of life that helps us grow and mature.
Remind me that the heart often argues with the mind.
Send me someone at the right moment who will have the courage to tell me the truth but do so with love.
I know that many problems resolve themselves if we remain patient, so teach me patience.
You know how much we need friendship. Grant me the ability to be worthy of the most beautiful and tender gift of fate.
Give me a rich imagination, so that at the right moment, in the right place, I can silently or through words give someone the warmth they need.
Make me a person who can reach those who are at the bottom.
Protect me from the fear of missing out on something in life.
Give me not what I wish for, but what I really need.
Teach me the art of small steps."
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